How To Shimmy Responsibly

Does such a thing exist? Of course!

Here is my three step plan to shimmy responsibly:

Situational Awareness

Are you at a party? If so, this would be a recommended time to shimmy. If you’re not at a party, and are at a funeral or operating
heavy machinery then this would be an inopportune time to shimmy.

Military personnel and assassins trying to retain an element of stealth should
also refrain from unnecessary rhythmic movement of the shoulders. Unless you’re under deep cover at a salsa convention.

Check Yourself

Would likely injure yourself or others from spontaneous shoulder movement? If carrying a small child or getting an MRI this would be a bad time to shimmy.

Eye Contact

Whilst sweeping the immediate area before a shimmy, be careful not to engage in lingering eye contact with bouncers and members of law enforcement. Mostly because its weird.

This is the first part of a field manual I will be slowly compiling on the subject of shimmying responsibly.

By the year 2030 I will be planning a leather bound hardback edition and a download straight to your brain via your brain chip.

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