5 Essential Salsa Dancing Tips You Already Know

Smaller Steps

When dancing salsa, it is safer to take smaller and more controller steps. Men are less likely to crush a ladies toe, and ladies are less likely to spear a calf!
Secondly, it looks better. The dance looks more controlled, and it brings out a sexy movement in the hips. Leave lunging and large steps for your Zumba class, and lets have less jiggle and more wiggle!
Smaller steps allow faster and sharper transfer of weight, so you’ll not look flustered during a faster track.


Pin your ears back and take in the music. Even if it means dropping the “arm fu” and shines in favor of more basic steps, you’ll look sharper and interesting if you react to changes and shifts in gear.
Listen at home, at work or in the car. Details you may overlook in the buzz of a social will become more pronounced.
Learning to freeze on a pause or accentuating a drum fill with a shine will make you connect more with the music.


Let people know you’re not being held against your will at a social with a warm smile.Not only does it make you more inviting, but it also transforms your body language and movements. Let your partner know you’re enjoying their company.

Let Loose

Its easy to get locked into a set of moves you know you are “allowed” to use, but remember that you’re here to dance and let your hair down. Sometimes we can look a little stiff and robotic going though our repertoire of cool moves and practiced shines.
Do what you want and what feels natural. The more you suppress that desire the more your going to train your body to ignore what is going on in the music and march through the same routine to every song.
If you let it go, and ride it out, you might not only sprinkle on some of your own flavor but the more you allow this then the more your training your body to interpret the music and make it a fun expression rather than a memory test!
So use your arms, move your head, strike a pose… let loose! Worse case scenario is you get a laugh out of your partner.

Pretend Your Partner is a Person

When leading, try to invite your follower to move with you instead of forcing her. There are times when she just isn’t going to understand what you want, but it doesn’t matter, she’s there to have fun too.
Likewise, as followers, if you’ve agreed to let someone lead you then let them. The leader might be out of step, following the wrong beat or have absolutely no rhythm. If this is the case, then the leader has enough problems without also having to get into a battle for control.
Adjust your moves to the level of the other dancer. If the follower is not in the right shoes, or looks off balance during a certain type of turn then dial it down a bit. If the follower is really confident and is putting in lots of styling, then give her some space to do her thing.
In Conclusion
Have fun, and allow other people to have fun as well.
Did you agree with the above? You’re allowed not to!
Feel free to add your own tips in the comment section. 😄

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